曾子燦牧師 Rev. Tony Tsang



Rev. Tony Tsang was born in a Christian family, and he accepted God at a very young age. He was baptized in Swatow Baptist Church Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Rev. Tsang is the eldest of his family of one brother and six sisters, all of which are Christians who serve in churches and seminary. Rev. Tsang has four grown children who are all married in God-centered families. In the early years, Rev. Tsang worked in the garment industry and ran his own business. In 1998, he was called by God to be a missionary after his retirement. He graduated with a Masters of Divinity from Christian Witness Theological Seminary (CWTS). He served at Peninsula Chinese Alliance Church (PCAC) from June 2004 as Assistant Pastor and continued as Senior Pastor until he retired at the end of June 2017. Now he is the honorary advisor to PCAC. Rev. Tsang is heavily burdened by the need to spread the gospel around the world. He continues to serve at the Chinese Churches Association of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in the United States and is on the US board of directors for LFD Leadership For Developments (宣道會智才發展公司). He serves in the mission field within the US and overseas, promoting and training cross-cultural missionary workers to serve around the world.